Aereon’s Certified Ultra-Low Emissions Burner (CEB®) is a vapour destruction device that utilizes premix surface combustion to achieve the world’s highest destruction efficiency.
With Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) destruction efficiencies of up to 99.99%, NOx emissions guarantee of < 15 ppmv and CO emissions guarantee of < 10 ppmv at 3%
oxygen, the CEB® is the ultimate solution for high-level VOC destruction requirements.
The CEB® single unit product range varies from nominal thermal capacities as low as .34 MMBTU/hr. (O.1MW) to 40 MMBTU/hr. (12MW). The CEB® can be
staged where multiple units can be installed in series for higher flows.
- Non-luminous flame-reducing visual pollution
- Smokeless operation to keep you compliant
- Combustion air fan that provides 100% of the combustion air requirements to maintain high destruction efficiencies
- Combustion air fan utilizes a VFD which is used for improved temperature control
- Integrated PLC-based control system that makes it easy to update and operate the unit
- Full range of waste gas flow control trains to fit your specific flow requirements
- Compact footprint with short stack to reduce space requirements
- Spark ignited pilot is standard equipment that keeps unit reliability high
- Pilot ignition system can be continuous or intermittent to match operating requirements